City Hall is the Administrative Office of the City of Rockford and is responsible for executing the policies adopted by the City Council. As a department, the staff of City Hall oversee several important functions within the City of Rockford’s government.
The City Administrator is responsible for the ongoing operations of the City and management of all City Staff, as well as City Council relations, strategic planning, policy research and implementation, oversight of boards and commissions, and performance measurement.
The Finance Director provides accounting and control services for all financial activities of the City, the Economic Development Authority (EDA), Rockford Fire Department, and other city led organizations.
The City Clerk/Assistant City Administrator supports zoning requests in Rockford, and also manages elections for the City. Additionally, this position supports the issuance of licensing, special event permits, and addresses public nuisance concerns.
The Permits/Billing/Finance Clerk is primarily responsible for calculation and processing of the city’s water and wastewater utility bills, and as the primary contact for initial questions, the Utility Billing Clerk, also supports development by processing building permits and assists residents with park shelter rental requests and issuing administrative certificates like dog licenses.